Strategic Talent Development

Strategic Talent Development

At AMAXXA, we don’t just talk about Strategic Talent Development – we embed it into the DNA of your organization. We understand that the heart of any successful enterprise beats in the rhythm of its people, their growth, and their continuous development.

Our unique approach to talent development is not just a practice with random training programs scattered with coaching, but a catalyst that propels your business to new heights of performance. We achieve this through a potent blend of innovation, fostering an environment where your team can thrive and excel.

Our dynamic Leadership Experience (LX) platform, REACH, is more than just a tool – it’s a comprehensive ecosystem designed to keep all your leaders involved so they can nurture your most valuable assets – your people. REACH is a game-changer, revolutionizing the way we approach talent development.

Discover the power of REACH and how it redefines talent development. Experience how it lays the groundwork for sustainable success. With AMAXXA and REACH, we’re not just developing talent – we’re building the leaders of tomorrow.

Leadership Step: Build Teams

A unique interview guide tailored to each role and each person.
Improve your interviews so you select and then secure people that will thrive in your role more often.
Onboard your people more effectively using a powerful, easy-to-run ‘welcome to the team’ session that helps the team maintain trust and
collaboration so they can stay high-performing even as new members join.

Leadership Step: Build Teams

Leadership Step

  • Select Top Talent
  • Secure Top Talent
  • Assimilate Top Talent

Leadership Learn

  • Strengths-Based Interviewing
  • To articulate and demonstrate a Compelling
    Employee Value Proposition
  • Onboarding That Builds Trust and

Using These Tools

  • Final Interview Companion Part 1
  • Final Interview Companion Part 2
  • Formation Companion & Presentation

Building a Legacy: The Imperative of Strategic Talent Development

Strategic Talent Development is the cornerstone of a sustainable competitive edge in today’s fast-evolving business landscape. At its core, it’s about honing the skills, knowledge, and abilities of your employees, and fostering a culture of continuous growth. The ripple effects are profound:

  • Enhanced Performance: Elevated skills lead to better job performance and, by extension, organizational success.
  • Fostering Innovation: A culture of learning sparks innovation, driving your business forward away from a sea of sameness.
  • Increased Retention: Engaged and developed employees are more likely to stay, reducing turnover costs.
  • Client Satisfaction: Competent, engaged employees create positive experiences for your clients.


Leadership Step: Lead, manage and motivate

Leaders also need to understand how their team ticks, how to motivate them and strategies for leading and managing different types of teams. REACH provides unique leadership companions for different types of teams including physically present work teams, virtual teams and sales teams.

Leadership Step: Lead, manage and motivate

Leadership Step

  • Learn how to adapt their
    leadership style to lead, manage
    and motivate different people,
    different teams and in different

Leadership Learn

  • Understanding of people’s drivers and preferences, and
    combine those with adapted leadership based on the
    different contexts. (The content in the Certified Leader
    Course is intended to be extended in a facilitated
    workshop by a Certified Practitioner using content also
    provided by the platform).
  • How to understanding and implement the Development
    Companions provided by the platform.

Using These Tools

  • Team Development Companion
  • Sales Development Companion
  • Leadership Development Companion
  • Virtual Team Companion

REACH: Your Partner in Nurturing Excellence

REACH is not just a system: it is a dynamic journey towards unlocking the boundless potential with your organization. Here is a glimpse into what REACH brings to the table:
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  • Every Leader has access to the system and is equipped to excel.
  • A better Leadership Experience (LX) means less leader burnout.
  • Your executive leadership team has clarity on the key people numbers with the people P&L.
  • All your people can be engaged with learning from day one with your organization.
  • Every leader is equipped to improve culture and engagement.
  • Data-led succession planning and identifying internal talent.
  • You can Aatract top talent by providing what they value most.
    • Their Growth
    • Doing Their Best Work
    • Feeling Heard
    • Working in a Great Culture
  • 100% funded from savings

Their Growth

Research shows that insufficient opportunities to grow was the primary reason around 1/3 ofjob seekers were looking for a new employer from 2019-2021 (Gallup, McKinsey, etc).


Feeling Heard

Research shows that the primary reason more than 1/3 of people are actively searching for new employment express a feeling of being uncared for in their current workplace. (McKinsey 2021).


Do their best work

Research by Deloitte (2020) found that for 40% of people, their primary motivator to find another employer was that their skills weren't valued or used.


Great Culture

Nearly 9 in 10 job seekers say culture is vital to success (Teamstage 2020).

Leadership Step: Develop Culture

Leaders are busy and don’t want to become “culture experts” however their leadership experience is improved when they know whether people are committed to stay and to do their best work.
Even more importantly if people aren’t committed/engaged leaders need ideas and tools to take action.
Leaders learn how to use the tools to find out about the current culture and to access the automated dashboards that explain why their scores matter – and provide ideas and resources to improve the low scores.

Leadership Step: Develop Culture     Leadership Step: Develop Culture

Leadership Step

  • Create and maintain a culture where people can and want to do their best work.

Leadership Learn

  • What engagement is, and how to identify what is negatively impacting the employee experience and engagement.
  • How to customise and send Culture and Pulse Surveys.
  • How to read and understand the Culture reports and insights dashboard.

Using These Tools

  • Customisable Pulse Surveys, customisable Culture Surveys (both with pre-written question banks, and guidance in writing additional custom questions).
  • Instant plain language reports.
  • Insights dashboards with recommendations and resources to take action.

Measuring Progress by Turning Insights into Actions with REACH

The path to enduring success is paved with actionable insights. REACH’s sophisticated analytics and progress measurement tools are tailored to deliver precise, real-time data, empowering informed decision making. From individual performance metrics to overarching organizational goals, gauge the pulse of your employee engagement and development initiatives, and steer your strategies with confidence and clarity.

Leadership Step: Develop Self

In addition to these tools for each step of leadership, leaders need to continue to grow and develop. REACH provides leaders with self-directed learning, opportunities to develop awareness, tools to enhance their coaching relationship with their coach (if they have one) and training class materials for their organisation to provide formal learning opportunities.
They have resources for their ongoing development to suit their learning preferences and the resources of the organisation.

Leadership Step: Develop Self

Leadership Step

  • Develop self-awareness, a mindset that sees feedback as an opportunity and engage in self- directed learning.

Leadership Learn

  • To develop a ‘Listen to Learn’ growth mindset and use feedback as a gift.
  • Access the automatically curated learning.
  • Leaders also develop their self-awareness as part of the recommended REACH Group debrief events.

Using These Tools

  • Customisable 360 feedback surveys (with question banks, complimented by Culture tools).
  • Personal Development Dashboard with personally curated learning
  • Coaches Companion

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Engagement and Coaching with REACH

At the heart of REACH lies a profound understanding of the symbiotic relationship between engagement and coaching. Our tailored coaching tools provide a scaffold for skill enhancement, while our engagement tools provide you with information on how engaged your people are throughout the organization.

Leadership Step: Develop and retain team members

When people feel stale and like they aren’t learning or progressing, they lose interest and look for a new role. However, it’s difficult for leaders to constantly offer development and learning opportunities, REACH solves that problem with a variety of options including Coaching Programs, MicroLearning, to ways to add learning to meetings and even a full training class resources.
With REACH leaders are equipped to develop their people to keep them engaged.

Leadership Step: Develop and retain team members

Leadership Step

  • Improve engagement, retention and performance by providing development opportunities.

Leadership Learn

How to create, introduce and implement the following:

  • Coaching that is structured, personalised and measurable
  • Provide personal development plans
  • Complete training workshops
  • Providing frequent, constructive feedback
  • Enhancing meeting value by adding targeted short learning activities to meetings

Using These Tools

  • Coaches Companion – automatically created personalised coaching programs Automated Personal Development dashboards
  • ~50 days of editable content and the Trainers’ Companion
  • 360s/180 customisable feedback tools
  • Make It Stick Activity Packs – 100s of 10- minute activities automatically curated and provided by the platform
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