

In today’s rapidly changing business world, achieving success requires adaptability, innovation, strategic alignment, talent development, operational superiority, and more. With over four decades of proven excellence in the financial services industry at all levels, David’s leadership at AMAXXA positions us to offer consulting as a specialized service designed to guide your organization through complexity, inspire and engineer growth strategies, identify opportunities, and collaborate with you to pave the way to success.

Institutional Level Consulting

  • Investment Management Business
    Investment Management Business
  • Private Banking
    Private Banking
  • Wealth Management Business Trust Services Private Banking Integ
    Wealth Management Business
  • Integrated Wealth Management Model
    Integrated Wealth Management Model
  • Trust Services
    Trust Services

Individual Level Consulting

  • Investment Program Leader Business Design
    Investment Program Leader Business Design
  • Financial Advisor Business Design
    Financial Advisor Business Design
  • Brokerage Leader Business Design
    Brokerage Leader Business Design
  • Wealth Advisor Business Design
    Wealth Advisor Business Design
  • Regional Manager Business Design
    Regional Manager Business Design
  • Private Banker Business Design
    Private Banker Business Design

AMAXXA Consulting Process



Discovery & Diagnosis

Understand the client’s business, challenges, and objectives. Conduct an initial analysis to identify areas of opportunity and concern.


Proposal & Agreement

Outline the scope, objectives, and deliverables of the engagement. Formalize the agreement including timelines, costs, and responsibilities.


Data Collection & Analysis

Collect necessary data and information. Analyze data to derive insights and identify underlying issues.


Solutions Development

craft tailored solutions to address the identified issues. Engage stakeholders to ensure solutions are practical and achievable.


Stakeholder Engagement & Communication

Communicate the proposed solutions, benefits, and the impact on different stakeholders. Gather feedback from stakeholders to refine solutions and ensure alignment and buy-in.


Implementation Planning

Develop a detailed implementation plan. Allocate resources and set timelines for execution


Execution & Monitoring

Oversee the execution of the solution. Monitor progress against defined metrics and objectives.


Evaluation & Feedback

Assess outcomes against original objectives. Collect feedback to understand effectiveness and impact of the consulting agreement.


Optimization & Continuous Improvement

Identify areas for further improvement. Establish processes for continuous improvement and learning.


Knowledge Transfer & Closure

Ensure client has the necessary knowledge and resources to sustain improvements. Formally close the consulting engagement.