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August 20, 2024

| Leadership

Balancing Business and People: Why Actions Speak Lounder Than Words

In many boardrooms and offices, leadership often prioritizes business metrics, leaving employee engagement and morale as an afterthought. Leaders talk the talk about valuing…

July 1, 2024

| Leadership

Culture Fit vs. Culture Add: The Key to Building a…

The importance of company culture is a topic of frequent discussion. Traditionally, hiring practices have emphasized finding candidates who “fit” the existing culture, ensuring…

May 28, 2024

| Adaptability

Before Implementing Major Changes – Companies Must Assess The Adaptability…

Every business is facing continuous change and uncertainty. The bottom line - adaptability is no longer just an advantage but a necessity. Organizations face…

May 14, 2024

| Adaptability

Mastering Mergers: The Pivotal Role of Adaptability Assessments

Mergers, the strategic consolidation of two companies, can bring significant changes that ripple through every level of an organization. They promise new opportunities, synergies,…

March 28, 2024

| Personal Growth

It’s Not Collateral Damage – It’s Collateral Possibilities

The idea of "collateral possibilities" revolves around the understanding that every event or change, especially those perceived as negative or harmful, can also generate…

March 13, 2024

| Personal Growth

The Power of Hope

Is there a superpower that can possibly help us deal with a world where change and adaptability are omnipresent?  Perhaps there is hope!  In…

March 1, 2024

| Wealth Management

Beyond Wealth Management to Life Management

The transition from wealth management to life fulfillment indicates a paradigm shift where financial institutions are now considering the broader narratives of their clients'…

February 5, 2024

| Leadership

Decision Fatigue: It Takes A Toll

Leaders are perpetually confronted with decisions that carry significant implications in the modern business.  This incessant decision-making can lead to a phenomenon known as…

January 18, 2024

| Leadership

The Importance of Executive Coaching: Enhancing Adaptability and Success

Throughout the journey of leadership, executive coaching has emerged as a catalyst for empowerment.  This tailored guidance has nothing to do with advice-giving.  It's…

January 5, 2024

| Personal Growth

Harnessing the Power of Your Personal Strengths: It’s Not About…

In the pursuit of personal and professional growth, many of us have been advised to identify our strengths.  Countless self-help books, workshops, and online…

Manage Your Energy - Not Your Time

December 21, 2023

| Personal Growth

Manage Your Energy – Not Your Time

In the hustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves chasing time, trying to squeeze productivity out of every minute.  However, I'd like…

Complexity Bias

December 13, 2023

| Personal Growth

Complexity Bias

In the labyrinth of our minds, where thoughts twist and turn, there exists a curious cognitive phenomenon known as the complexity bias. Picture it…