Start…Just Start!

09 Nov 2023

|Post by David Zimmerman, MSc, CPC

Start...Just Start!

When dealing with any challenge or project, the critical factor that determines the quality of the outcome, as well as the level of stress experienced throughout, is time management. More specifically, it is about the strategic development of time in relation to tasks that need to be accomplished. Starting early affords you the luxury of working methodically, strategically, and thoughtfully. Conversely, starting late compels you to rush through, which can have detrimental effects on the final result.

Why Does This Happen? Let’s Dig in…

The Power of Gradual Progress – When a project is started early, tasks can be broken down into smaller, manageable chunks. This incremental approach allows for consistent progress, and the smaller tasks seem less daunting. They encourage engagement, stimulate motivation, and foster a sense of achievement as each is completed. This steady, gradual process can lead to higher quality output.

Room for Thoughtfulness and Innovation – Starting early allows you to approach tasks methodically and thoughtfully. It provides the mental space needed to think critically about the problem, examine it from various angles, explore innovative solutions, and make informed decisions. You can also allocate time for brainstorming, a critical aspect of problem solving that gets compromised when time in constrained.

Risk Management – An early start gives you time to identify potential risks and obstacles and devise plans to mitigate or overcome them. If issues arise later in the project, you have time to re-strategize without drastically impacting your deadlines.

Time for Revisions and Improvements – The extra time gives you the opportunity to review, revise, and refine your work. This often leads to enhanced results, as you can correct errorrs :), make necessary adjustments, and incorporate feedback.

What Happens When You Start Late?

The Burden of Bigger Chunks – With a looming deadline, tasks need to be handled in larger chunks to get everything done in time. This not only increases the level of stress but can also decrease the quality of output. When we are rushing, we are more prone to making mistakes, missing crucial details, and producing sub-optimal work.

Compromised Strategic Thinking – With limited time, there’s less opportunity to think strategically, critically, and innovatively. Rushed decisions may not be the best decisions, and innovative solutions may be overlooked in the scramble to complete tasks.

Increased Risks – Starting late doesn’t afford the time to identify and prepare for potential risks. When unexpected issues arise, it can cause panic, lead to knee-jerk reactions, and result in detrimental consequences for the project.

Limited Revision Opportunities – There is little to no time to review and refine the work, meaning errors might go unnoticed, and there’s no room for incorporating feedback or making improvements.

It is crucial to understand that the time invested in planning and starting early will often pay off in the form of higher quality outcomes, reduced stress, and more efficient, effective processes. As leaders, this perspective on time management is invaluable for driving productivity and excellence in your teams. Start!

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